Ikushima-Tarushima Shrine : 生島足島神社
Distinct Vermilion-colored Shrine in Japan's Geographic Center
나가노현 동부
Home to the Shinto god that protects the entire country of Japan. Decorated in a distinct vermilion color with several ancient, gigantic trees on the premises. Also in the complex are a library that houses many classical works and a kabuki theater whose stage features a platform raised and lowered by hand. The shrine is espcially popular around New Years and in the fall for Shichi-Go-San blessing of 3, 5 and 7-year old children.
상세 정보
- 시간
- 8:30-16:30
- 정기휴일 및 영업기간
- Open year-round.
- 입장요금
- Offerings accepted. Formal blessings, group prayers, etc. available from 1000 per person.
- 소요시간
- 30-40 min
- 예약
- 필요
- 외국어 대응
- (English brochure available.)
- 수하물 위탁
- 불가
Groups are requested to have an interpreter.
tel : +81(0)268-38-2755fax : +81(0)268-39-1515공식 사이트
찾아오시는 길・장소
- 열차
- Ueda Station(JR호쿠리쿠(나가노)신칸센)에서 From Ueda Station, take the Ueda Dentetsu Line towards Bessho Onsen, and get off at the Shimonogo Station, then 3 minutes on foot. Or, take a taxi (approx. 15 min)
- 자동차
- 우에다스가다이라(上田菅平)IC에서 20 min (10km)
- 주소
- 386-1211 우에다시(上田市) Shimonogo 701, Nakaike-Nishi
근처의 관광 명소
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- Shioda Plain Temple Walk : Take in the Historical Temples around Bessho Onsen with this 1-Day Tour.
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- Zazen Meditation -- At Bessho Onsen's Historical Anraku-ji Temple : Attend a Zazen Meditation Session at Bessho Onsen’s Historical Anraku-Ji Temple.
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