Cherish Nagano's Countryside through Mayumi Takahashi's Doll Art
Takahashi Mayumi Musuem of Doll Art : 高橋まゆみ人形館
Nagano’s Country Lifestyle as Expressed by Mayumi Takahashi’s Doll Art.
나가노현 북부
Life in the countryside is seen as simple and carefree. Iiyama City-based artist Mayumi Takahashi has an innate ability to capture the essence of life in the countryside through her doll art. Take a step into the Mayumi Takahashi Museum of Doll Art, and take a step into Nagano's quaint rural world.
Mayumi Takahashi began making her signature doll art in 1998. She lives in Iiyama City on the northern edge of Nagano Prefecture, where she has a museum devoted to her doll art. Galleries 1, 2 & 3 have revolving exhibits of dioramas depicting scenes from Nagano's countryside featuring Takahashi-san's dolls. The whimsical expressions on their faces will remind you of the oba-san and oji-san (little old ladies and men) that make the countryside such a warm place. The Passage is lined with photographs of her dolls placed in outdoor settings that enhance the charm of her artwork. In addition there is the Creation Room workshop and Movie Corner that shows videos of Takahashi-san creating the dolls. A Cafe and Gift Shop round out the museum, making it worthy destination to come see on a trip to northern Nagano.
상세 정보
- 영업시간
- 09:00-17:00 (Apr.-Nov.), 10:00-16:00 (Dec.-Mar.)
- 정기휴일 및 영업기간
- Closed Wednesdays (except if a national holiday, during peak Golden Week and O-Bon holiday seasons, and Oct.). Also closed from 31-Dec. to 2-Jan.
- 입장요금/체험비용
- 610 for adults, 410 for children. Group, Student and Disabled discounts available.
- 소요시간
- 40 min
- 신용카드
- VISA, MasterCard,
- 예약
- 불필요
- 외국어 대응
- 영어
- 수하물 위탁
- 유
Limited English explanation but the dolls' magic doesn't need words to be enjoyed. Just to the west is the unique 'Butsudan-dori', a street lined by shops that make Buddhist altars.
tel : +81(0)269-67-0139fax : +81(0)269-67-0141공식 사이트
찾아오시는 길・장소
- 열차
- Kita Iiyama Station (JR이이야마선)에서 Go 1 block south (5 min.)
- 자동차
- 도요타이이야마(豊田飯山)IC에서 Take Route 117 into central Iiyama, turn left onto Route 403 (Chuobashi-nishi signal), cross the railroad tracks and turn right. (Approx. 15 min.)
- 주소
- 389-2253 이이야마시(飯山市) Iiyama 2941-1
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