Nakano Clay Doll Painting
Japan Clay Doll Museum : 日本土人形資料館
Paint Your Own Design on a Traditional Nakano Clay Doll.
나가노현 북부
Nakano City's "Tsuchibina" clay dolls are cultural tradition in northern Nagano. Dating back to the Edo era, the dolls have delighted young and old alike for centuries. Use your creativity to contribute to the Nakano clay doll tradition and paint one of the dolls at the Japan Clay Doll Museum. You can take your unique tsuchibina doll home with you as a reminder of your trip to Nagano.
Nakano City is home to the Japan Clay Doll Museum, testament to its rich tradition of clay doll making. Two main artisan families, the Nara Family (makers of Nakano Dolls) and the Nishhara Family (makers of the Tategahana Dolls) carry on the tradition today. At the Japan Clay Doll Museum, you can choose an unpainted tsuchibina doll and paint it following one of the models and/or create your own colorful design.
상세 정보
- 영업시간
- 9:00-17:00 (From Dec. to Feb. 10:00-16:00)
- 정기휴일 및 영업기간
- Thursdays and New Years holiday
- 입장요금/체험비용
- Museum Entrance 200 (high school 100, younger free). Dolls painting from 300 to 3,150.
- 소요시간
- 30 min-1.5 hours
- 예약
- 필요, 불필요(Required for groups. Please contact in Japanese by either telephone, fax or e-mail with name, telephone number, requested date and time and # of participants.)
- 수용 가능 인원수・좌석
- 1-40
- 외국어 대응
- (Instruction in Japanese. (Having someone that speaks Japanse accompany English speakers is highly recommended.)
) - 수하물 위탁
- 유
Annual "Hina-Ichi" tsuchibina doll market held at the end of March. Museum can accommodate up to 50 people at a time.
tel : +81(0)269-26-0730fax : +81(0)269-26-0730공식 사이트
찾아오시는 길・장소
- 열차
- Shinshu Nakano Station(나가노전철 나가노선)에서 Go northwest on route 357 to Route 358 (Shinmachi signal) and turn right. Follow up the hill to the museum (approx. 2km, 25 min.)
- 자동차
- 신슈나카노(信州中野)IC에서 Take Route 29 east to Route 54 and turn right. Go 500m and turn left to go up the hill to the museum.
- 주소
- 383-0013 나카노시(中野市) Nakano 1150
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