Hiking to Happo-ike Pond
: 八方池
Take in the Stunning Views of Happo Pond High Up in the Hakuba Range.
Ride a chairlift and hike up to Happo-ike, a heavenly pond surrounded by the Hakuba Peaks of the Japanese Alps.
Nagano, home to the Japanese Alps, is known as the "Roof of Japan". Thanks to all of those mountains, Nagano boasts an unsurpassable selection of hiking opportunities. One of the most classic hikes is to Happo-ike Pond in the Northern Japanese Alps. You can ride a chairlift up to 1820-meter elevation. From there, it is a 1.5km (approx. 90 minute) vigorous hike to Happo-ike, a gem of pond perched up high above the Hakuba Valley. On a clear day, the 2900-meter tall peaks of the Hakuba Range reflect in the pond for a heavenly view.
상세 정보
- 영업시간
- Kurobishi Lift operates 8:00-16:30 (from 06:30 for the first half of Aug.)
- 정기휴일 및 영업기간
- Kurobishi summer operation from early July to mid-Oct. Happo Alpen Line operates from the end of May to early Nov.
- 입장요금/체험비용
- Kurobishi Line 1,120 rt (Kurobishi No. 3 Pair + Grat Quad)
- 소요시간
- 2.5 hours
- 예약
- not required but expect lines during peak time
- 수용 가능 인원수・좌석
- 1+
Wear sturdy hiking boots and clothing proper for mountain weather.
찾아오시는 길・장소
- 열차
- Hakuba Station(JR오오이토선)에서 Take taxi.
- 자동차
- 아즈미노(安曇野)IC에서 From the Azumino IC on the Nagano-do Expwy, take Route 310 north 3.3km to 重柳 signal and turn right onto Route 306. Proceed north 19.4km to the 上一北 signal and turn right onto Route 147. Proceed 3.3km to Minami Kariba signal and turn onto Route 148. Continue 12.7km to the Sanozaka signal and turn right onto Route 33. Proceed 9.3km to the Happo signal and go straight onto Route 322. Follow signs to Kurobishi Lift 9.4km.
- 주소
- 399-9301 하쿠바무라(白馬村) Hokujyo 4482
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