Living Port NABETA リビングポートナベタ鍋太金物店
Written by Tyler
Located in Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada within walking distance from Togura Station on the Shinano Railway line, Nabeta is a family-run mini home center. If you are searching for a particular Japanese cooking utensil or carpentry tool, chances are Nabeta will have it or can order it for you. From obscure cast iron pots and soba-making equipment to specialized cutlery, they are a treasure trove of Japanese household goods. The owner, Imai-san, went to college in the States and can answer your inquiries in English. (His wife speaks Russian!).
And his store is registered as a tax-free shop for overseas visitors. Imai-san showing one of many of the specialty utensils they carry, a cutting board for making soba noodles.

Fine Japanese cutlery, too. Engraving to order is available. Wide selection of Japanese garden and carpentry tools and utensils, too. Hard-to-find items like calligraphy instruments.

Sushi-making gadgets, too!

Address: 2158 Togura, Chikuma City
Closed Sundays, Tel# (026)276-1143